Friday, January 6, 2012

Writing: Day 1

So like I said from the previous post, I am writing my first draft for my graphic novel. I have found a couple of articles and books regarding writing and comics that has been helpful for me (and can be helpful for you as well)

Write a Screenplay in 3 Weeks By Dov S-S Simens
I found this through twitter a couple of weeks ago and I am currently using this as a template for the first draft of my comic- although this article seems to be more for film. I do believe that this can work for comics as well. Just replace "shot" with "panel" and you're good to go. Currently I am at the summary stage and is working towards the treatment part.

25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing (Right Fucking Now)
Found this a couple of days ago through a friend of mine who is working towards a career as a screenwriter. Despite what kind of writer you are (or heck even any creative project), this article is a great thing to read and help you figure out what has been holding you back. I know I have been guilty of these things.

I've also got a couple of books to recommend:

The Insider's Guide To Creating Comics And Graphic Novels by Andy Schmidt
This is a great book I picked up in an art store. It gives information about how comics are written, illustrated, published, etc. breaking down every part of sequential artwork and how it can be used in storytelling. I will be keeping this book around for reference in the future once the ball gets rolling.

The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher Vogler
I found out about this during my Animation course. This book talks about how the most successful stories can be broken down into mythological structure and the journey the main character takes in the story. Its biggest draw for me is that it has a great section on characters and how characters can take on different roles through the story (hero, villian, herald, etc..) This book is not the rule but merely a guideline and something to help you think about the purpose of the characters and what they bring to the plot.

If anyone has any recommendations/articles regarding writing for comics/horror/etc.. I would greatly appreciate them. Otherwise, back to work!

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