Thursday, April 19, 2012

Script Frenzy: Day Nineteen

Good evening everyone.
I had taken the day to go through job searches and relax and I also went out for dinner with friends which was really nice since I don't go out often nowadays.

As for the script, I am a little sleepy but I will see if I can pump out a few more pages tonight, currently on page 66, try to make it a goal to 68 and try to keep ahead of the daily goal.

This weekend is going to be very very busy due to getting ready for an Animation/VFX job fair happening on Saturday at the Vancouver Convention Center. Also on the same day and the same place is Vancouver Fan Expo, first big comic/anime/game convention in the city.

I will be taking that day to job search AND to talk with various comic creators, get their opinions on the comic scene and talk about average payments for comic projects. I plan on hiring an inker, a letterist and possibly a colourist (I am still not sure if I want to go colour route just yet) so when I get an average price from artists I can start getting a budget set up for an Indiegogo campaign going sometime this fall.

As for the book itself, I am trying to write the book that is no longer than 200 pages of art, infact less than that amount would be great. I want to be able to make the best book I can without having too much filler crap and makes the process a lot more efficient to draw the pages that are needed. Plus it makes cost a bit lower.

Anyway it is getting to midnight and I need to get work done, then get some sleep for I got a busy day tomorrow to prepare work for saturday.

EDIT: Uuugh, I guess the wine isn't done with me yet so I'm going to pack it in early at page 66. Goodnight

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